Engine is out, the car is covered, probably for the winter. I tore the engine
down, so it is ready to head to the machinist to check the block out.
Hopefully, that event will transpire this weekend. Here is a pic of the
block... hardly any signs of wear at all. Not bad for 5 hard years. Use
good oil, and more importantly, change at good intervals. They aren't kidding.
Wow, been a while since I have done an update. Anyway, due to funding, and general disgust for a while, the car has just sat as other things have taken money and priority. But a new season is shortly to be upon us. With the underdrive pulleys, I end up overrunning my powersteering pump when auto-Xing, so I made the decision to dump the power steering in favor of this Flaming River manual steering rack.
Yeha!! I have pistons! Got them from Chris at JMS Chip . They looks sweet. Full floaters, here we come... The bearings and gaskets got ordered today. I am gettin the racing itch back again... really looking forward to putting this combo together. The car will be a lil lighter, and the engine a little more powerful.
March 30, 2001
Ah, the first part of the season installed... now the rest